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Sep 8, 2008

First Navy Jack Flag

Did you know
why the rattlesnake is on the First Navy Jack Flag?

The rattlesnake was used as a symbol of resistance to British repressive acts in Colonial America. Flags bearing rattlesnakes and bearing the simple warning "Don't Tread on Me" were flown on the first ships of the Continental Navy in the Delaware River in 1775.
Why the rattlesnake?... The rattlesnake has been a favorite symbol of independence throughout America's history. Adopted as a uniquely American icon by early patriots, such as Benjamin Franklin, the rattlesnake represents American unity. Individually, its rattles have no sound, but united they can be heard by all. And while it does not strike unless threatened, once provoked, the deadly rattlesnake never surrenders.

Sep 2, 2008

Peanut Butter

Did you know
We were taught in school that George Washington Carver invented Peanut Butter BUT it was in use as early as 950 B.C.
Peanut butter was even served at our first Olympic games, long before G.W. Carver was even born. The ancient Incas used peanuts and were known to have made it into a paste-like substance that we now call Peanut butter. Peanuts emigrated from South America to Africa by early explorers and then traveled by trade into Spain, these explorers then traded the product to the American colonies. The first commercial peanut crop was grown in Virginia in the early to mid 1840's and in North Carolina beginning around 1818.Although agricultural chemist, George Washington Carver did NOT discover peanut butter he did discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes. An unknown doctor is the one who first invented Peanut butter as we know it today.