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Jul 26, 2009

UGH!....The American Cockroach!

Did you know...

An American Cockroach can live 9 days without its head?
The reason the body dies is because it can't eat so it
starves to death. It will keep on moving even though it
can't see where it is going. I for one detest cockroaches
but I found this little tid-bit of information interesting.
The American cockroach is also called a waterbug, the Bombay canary, and the Palmetto bug. Despite its name, the American cockroach is not native to North America but was most probably introduced via ships from Africa. It is worldwide in distribution.
No mater what name we choose to call them by, it's still a cockroach... Ugh!

Jul 23, 2009

The Incredible Edible Egg! But which one?

Did you know...
There is a Guidelines for choosing eggs:

White vs. brown eggs: There is no difference between white and brown eggs. The color of the shell is determined by the breed of the hen. White shelled eggs typically are from hens with white feathers, while brown shelled eggs are typically from hens with brown feathers. The only difference between white and brown eggs is the color - there is no difference in flavor or nutritional value.

Organic Eggs: Organic eggs are produced from hens that have been fed a special feed in which all of the ingredients were grown without the aid of commercial fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Organic eggs come from hens that have outdoor access during the day and are able to run around outside in an area covered with natural vegetation.

Fertile Eggs: Fertile eggs are simply eggs that can be incubated and developed into chicks. Fertile eggs have higher production costs so they are more expensive for the consumer and they also spoil more quickly than non-fertile eggs.

Free range vs. Cage free: Free-range chickens usually have a covered shelter and access to an outside scratch yard. They are pasture-fed and can get worms and bugs, which is the ideal feed for health and strong immunity.

Cage free chickens do not live in cages but typically live inside a hen house without access to the outdoors.

Vegetarian eggs: Hens are fed a special feed containing ingredients of plant origin only. The nutrient content of these eggs is the same as that of conventional eggs. The hens are kept in cages and therefore are not classed as "free-range".

Omega-3-Enhanced Eggs: Hens that produce omega-3 enhanced eggs are fed a special vegetarian diet that consists of canola, linseed and flax seed., which in turn, results in these eggs being higher in omega-3 fatty acids than conventional eggs.

Barn-laid eggs: The hens are kept indoors, in large barns covered with straw and are separated into pens rather than into small cages.

Conventional or Standard eggs: These eggs come from chickens fed conventional food, which includes GM (genetically modified) grains, GM soy and pesticides. The chickens are kept in small cages, anything between 3 to 7 hens per cage, so there is not enough room for the hens to exercise.

Jul 7, 2009

Gas Icon on Dashboard

Did You Know...
Contrary to what I have been told, and after days of reasearch I have found that the little icon of a fuel pump located on our vehicles dashboard does NOT always tell us which side of the car we pump gas into our fuel tank. Even though some of these icons are correct we can not depend on this icon to always be correct. On some older cars the fuel tank inlet is located under the tag at the rear of the vehicle, but the icon has it on the right. In some vehicles the icon has it on the right but the intake is located on the left. So you can never depend on this when pulling into place to pump your gas. To save being embarrased when pulling up to a pump to get gas check where the intake is before you drive the vehicle.