What you think you know may not be so! Amaze your friends with these fun facts.

Random Did You Know Facts


Apr 28, 2008


Did you know...
You can get unlimited quality backlinks to your website or blog when you join and use Qassia?

What is Qassia you ask...

Qassia is a program that will give you credit for sharing your intelligence.
Everyone is an expert on something and at Qassia you can let the world know just how smart you are. At Qassia You earn credits as well as share in the ad revenue sharing system which is the best on the internet. The more credits you earn, the better your websites or blog will rank. You get a backlink to your website for every "intel" you add. It's free to join and you get to advertise your blogs and /websites to all the members.

What's an intel?
An intel is a short article You write. It can be about whatever you want it to be, within limits, of course. After all this is a family site so we try to keep it clean of bad language and pornographic materials.

You can earn Qassia dollars when you screen the latest incoming intel written by other members and earn easy credit! You get $8 inQassia dollars for every intel you screen. Not only that but you earn for every referral that joins and writes an intel.
It's fun and easy so come on over and join us. We are anxiously waiting to read your first intel. Oh, your ready, then click on our funny name QASSIA and it will take you there!


Matthew S. Urdan said...

Sheila and Shirley, thank you both very much for your comments. There is no doubt that this election cycle is stirring up a lot of feelings: anger, frustration, and disappointment prominent among them.

I agree, enough is enough. In a recent television ad in North Carolina, Barack Obama promised to recruit more teachers and to pay them more. I'm wondering how he's going to accomplish that? Since when did the President of the United States dictate to local school boards how to pay their teachers or provide money to hire teaching staffs when faced with declining enrollment?

At least Hillary Clinton is offering details of substance--whe does have awesome policy experience; however she is undercutting her own strengths by pitting Americans against Americans in this kitchen sink fight to win the nomination instead of doing some inspiration of her own.

I loved Barack Obama's quote in Time Magazine: "She's (Hillary) throwing the kitchen sink at me, she's throwing dishes and the buffet is coming at me too."

It's a hilarious line, but it's very sad it that it's a destructive strategy for our nation.

In any case, Sunday morning, when I wrote the post, I definitely felt the lyrics to "The Prayer" were appropriate, and Sheila pointed me to a great new version of the song that I had never heard before.

Thanks for stopping by and taking time to read my thoughts. It's definitely going to be a rocky process.

Anonymous said...

hi shirley! i couldn't find your blogroll. lol

good day dear!