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Feb 14, 2008

The White House

The White House as it looks Today

Did you know...
Construction of the "White House" began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792 by the Irish-born architect James Hoban who won a gold medal for his practical and handsome design. The construction was overseen by then President George Washington but he never live in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was near completion that our 2nd President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in.
Later in 1814 the White House was burned by the British during the war of 1812 which was restored and the smoke-stained gray stone walls were painted white. The people began to refer to it as the White House. The exterior walls are the original walls constructed more than 200 years ago. During this time the White House was known as the "President's Palace," the "President's House," and the "Executive Mansion." President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901. Several additions have been made to the main building, including the west wing (1902) which houses the oval office, the east wing (1942), a penthouse, as well a bomb shelter that was added in 1952. It now has 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels. There are 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, and 3 elevators. It sits on 18 acres located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington D.C.

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